A friend of mine was telling me about how her landlord keeps raising the price on the washer and dryer in her apartment complex. She knew I liked playin with tech and machines so she asked if we could figure out how to get the coins out. I explained that would be a bad idea as it would be clear something was up if the machines never had money in them on collection day, but maybe we could figure out a way to get free use of them, which would be harder to detect. A door with a lock on top of the housing for the coin mechanism had a tubal lock as seen below:
So I busted out my picks and got the door to open. Here is what I found when I bypassed the lock:
As you can see it's just a few wires, I figured this was our access point to free cycles. You can see the white bracket to connect the coin functions to the machine as seen below:
So I disconnected them, and since there's only two wires, I figured a simple bridge of the two would likely give me the results I was hoping for. I then grabbed a paperclip to bridge them and just like that we had free cycles! Here is what it looked like:
Now you just reconnect the wires, put the door back on, lock, and push start. I gave the paperclip, and tubular pick to my buddy so she can have free cycles at any place with greedy landlords. It was a fun little project and I was happy to help out.